Camp Jeep 2004
We had a great time!
Here are some pics but we forgot our 35MM SLR's and were working with crappy the pictures are kinda sparse. It's annoying cause a lot of the
really great shots of some huge Jeeps doing some serious rock climbing are too
dark to salvage...believe me I tried.
First of all...the big ass flag. This thing is in a field about 250 yards BEHIND
the Jeep in the pic!
Here's the campground we stayed was about 40 minutes from the Camp Jeep
We basically spent day one (Thursday) walking the entire site...the Jeep
museaums, concept vehicles, drove a Rubicon, yada, yada, yada...
On Friday we ran the second most difficult trail ("B") at Camp Jeep. After the
ride was done, there were Jeeps with bent tierods, lots of body damage and one
busted an axle shaft and had to come back later to fix it. I do have to mention
the "Bo and Luke Duke" they had us pull on Fri morning...after we have all aired
our rigs down and disco'ed our sway bars...these nitwits lead us out of the
staging area like we're at the Daytona 500...everybodys going across 2 lanes and
ending up in the grass trying to keep up...what made it even funnier was that
the CB just lit up with people bitching about it...

On Saturday, we took the "A" trail...the most difficult trail. Lots of Jeeps
took body damage and there were quite a few almost rolls...all of which occured
at the now infamous "Variety Mills" (which I went around BTW...30's, skid plates and
open diffs were not gonna cut it, I know my Jeeps limitations)...unfortunatly
all of those pics from Variety Mills are unusable.
Now onto the wheelin'! Here's a partial shot of the staging area at approx 7am
(the 1st runs of the day) on Fri. Just a little perspective. There were 15 trail
rides a session, with an average of 35 Jeeps per ride. There were 4 sessions a
day for 3 do the math.
These are a couple of shots from the B trail on Friday.
Now onto the staging area...
This is the only usable shot I have of this guy...Cherokee on 35's and one of
the few Jeeps that made it up Variety was sweet!
And a lovely crossing of a very rocky creek...good times.
You can actually see the "trail carnage" in this one...the bolts for the swivel
mount on my CB antenna loosened up (from the flags flapping it around) and the
antenna finally flopped over.
A better shot of the "damage"...and of me about to repair it...all it took was
an allen wrench.
Aside from that my junk did well, better than some TJ's did actually...but I
think that was due to driver experience more than anything else. I did knock a
front bumpstop out...not a big deal, it will be a PITA to get back in though...
Allen was there as well,
but he was on different trails...I'm sure he has pics which I'll add here as
Rock On!